A few words about us

Inglewood District Health Trust is a registered charitable trust that provides a service free of charge to the Inglewood community and the wider Inglewood community. To ensure that this service can be sustained we are reliant on your generous donations and fundraising. If there is a need for care within your own home in the Inglewood zone, contact your health professional for a referral to access this service.

Our Services

24 Hour

24-hour service for patients over the age of 16 years requiring palliative care in their final stages of treatment.

IV therapy

PICC lines through referral via hospital.

Wound care

We provide comprehensive wound assessments. Wound management includes, negative pressure wound therapy, and compression bandaging.

Pain management

We will refer to the appropriate service.

Enteral Feeding


Comprehensive medical and nursing support for residents of Inglewood and surrounding districts.

Access to professional advice

IDHT will refer to the appropriate organization as required.


Referral to relevant support services e.g. counselling, physiotherapy equipment loans.

Catheter Care

Management of indwelling and suprapubic catheters.

Refer to the map to the left

Our service area

The Inglewood District Health Trust provides comprehensive medical and nursing support to the residents of Inglewood and the surrounding district. We are based out of the Inglewood Medical Centre on 12 Brown Street, Inglewood 4330.